Kee-Tee Kitty Kitty

My cats love me! ... at least I want to believe so!

Monday, June 09, 2008

The life of two furry balls

First it started with this little guy called Kiebie - that's his official name. I use "KB" whenever I mention him on IM to others. I also call him K'b at times, and a thousand different names whenever I'd like - it's great to be the Mom, isn't it?

Yes, I wanted a cat, always, never did before. 2001, I "shopped" around Santa Clara animal shelter often. I went with friends often, hopefully to get some "second opinions". It's an odd summer afternoon, I was going to a party that night so I wore a sleeveless top - trying to be pretty, of course. I was by myself then decided to sign up for "kitty trials". I picked 4-5 kitties and the staff there let me to get "acquainted" with them to make my adoption decision.

Probably due to lack of "kitty experience", I found that I could not even hold a kitty. They, uh... moved quite a bit. :P Frustrated, the staff there suggested THIS furry ball saying he's a very mallow cat. He was NOT on my list of kitties at first, but I thought I'd give it a try. He was gracefully staying on my shoulder - with a tower the staff kindly gave me to cover my bare shoulders (with a kind suggestion saying it'd be easier to wear something with sleeves for holding animals.. ha).

I was delighted, thankful... tears in my eyes (ok, exaggerated), and I was SOLD. And he's Kiebie.

Continues for the other furry ball.....

1 comment:

Flora Tseng said...

I see, the trick to get sold to you is to sit on your should quietly... :D

Speaking of wearing 'proper clothes' for picking up animals, I had the experience of fostering 10 kitties (well, 9 plus a mommy cat) at the same time, yes, crazy, I know. And the kitties started to get comfortable enough that they enjoyed wrestling with each other... and with me! I wore long sleeves, long pant, socks, (don't remember if I even have gloves) before I enter the 'kitty room'. And it is in summer...