Kee-Tee Kitty Kitty

My cats love me! ... at least I want to believe so!

Friday, September 19, 2008


I realized today (don't ask me why not earlier) that Tuntun REALLY has VERY smooth, soft fur!

I remembered Catherine mentioned that Tuntun always felt like a "baby" to the touch. For some reason I finally put them all together - he really is a baby!

He acts like one. This big boy always demands attention when he wants it, or a spot - often times it's where KB sits. He's always the one being licked by KB (I tried not to mimic that behavior.. ). He's always the one initiate the chasing/biting game with KB. He jumps on my chest while I am asleep just because he needs some "scratch on the chin"... He follows me everywhere even for the risk of being stepped on (I did once .. not pretty, took me a long time apologizing! ). He meows big time because he thinks it's time for him to go to the backyard.... Oh ya, he can meow forever beside me every night just because it's time for me to "walk him to his dinner bowl" and to "watch him eat".... Oh Ya, he's the baby under the roof!

Big guy, soft touch....