Kee-Tee Kitty Kitty

My cats love me! ... at least I want to believe so!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The trinagle...

Just the other afternoon, after letting a long time for the boys staying in the backyard I thought it's about time to come home for some super. Though upon opening the backyard door, I found the triangle again - Veto (阿金), KB and TT were silently "struggling" under the redwood trees.

OK, have to admit, I had to leave soon for my classes so I thought I had to break that silence and get the boys home (we can continue the starring another day, right?). So I decided to get Veto off our backyard so the boys would be willing to come home. I used a little stick to get the "backyard king" off - I would never hit him or harm him! Just a bit scaring him away. ALTHOUGH, to my surprise, that set Tuntun off! He jumped over, started growling and big hissing, then making the loudest noise I've ever heard him (or any other cats) do. Not sure about Veto, but that actually scared ME.

Anyway, finally after my "stick strategy", Veto jumped over the fence; but Tuntun was still in this agitated state. KB came check him out and TT even hissed KB a big time. Wow... I was a bit worried that he might go into this agitated crazy state for awhile. Not too bad, he calmed down after I called him a couple of times. Then Mommy took the big boy home...

Then my neighbor stuck her head out asking if my cat got injured because the growling he did was just so loud. :P

THEN, the next day, once Tuntun got out, he was waiting at the spot Veto left THE WHOLE TIME!!! I guess he missed his "big" friend.... Awwww.... I even tried to get him play with me but he rather going back there sat and waited....


(Still waiting..)

(Alright, Mommy's calling me..)

(Let me wait just a bit longer...)

Friday, August 08, 2008


OK, I DO want to tell the kitty's stories while they were growing up, but I don't want to miss the current stories just because they are "current". So, I'll shuffle the time.. there's no limits!

So, before I tell the story, let's work on the "background" a little bit. I bet all friends know about "Veto" - the Backyard King. Here's a story about his I posted awhile ago somewhere else:


(Above: The brown tabby with black paws is Veto)

(Above: KB joined the "Circle"..)

(The "starring" game can last for awhile usually!)

(Until one of them gets bored.)

(Someones' feeling a bit "empty"?)

熟識我的人都應該對阿金不陌生. 阿金, 那個天上地下唯我獨尊的... "Backyard King". 常常一個轉身就看到他大剌剌的杵在後院. 第一次與 '阿金' 碰頭,訝然於他美麗與巨大的體型, 心中竊喜我們糖糖終於不算唯一的 ''巨型'' 貓. 他的不怕生, 在貓族中算是少有的習性, 見獵心喜的我, 以為可以多個忘年之交, 看著他沒退縮的跡象, 步步逼近想偷拍拍小貓頭, 順便看看他脖子上的 ''金'' 牌上倒底寫些什麼....看是看到了,我的手上也被抓出數道血痕.... 倒是阿金自此正名: Veto.

我還是習慣稱呼他 '' 阿金'' . 從此不敢造次, 跟阿金還是保持距離以測安全.

阿金倒是沒事就來造訪一下, 從沒事先打招呼, 也從來是 '' 空手道'' . 只是每次阿金的出現, 糖糖都當大事處理. 糖糖嘛, 體型大, 倒都是個傻大個的個性. 剛站出去每每讓鄰居的貓友們退避三舍, 可是沒多久他們都發現糖糖的無侵略性. 他好奇, 超好奇. 但不打不抓不咬, 只在那熊熊的低嚎... 真是一點傷害性都沒有. 阿金? 早就將糖糖看個透徹, 屹立不搖, 以不變應萬變.

糖糖總是以警覺的眼神, 盯著阿金. 兩人之間的距離與關係倒是似乎隨著時間有著些微的轉變. 從原來兩公尺充滿敵意的距離逐漸縮小... 兩人的關係也從當初糖糖對阿金的 ''俯首稱臣'' (見圖) 到昨兒個糖糖與阿金隔著一呎距離, 哥倆好面對面席地而趴, 彷彿是一種僵持, 又像是寧靜的共享一個平和的夏日午後...

我不太明白 KB 在這樣的角力平衡下是扮演何種腳色, 時而 KB 會加入糖糖的陣營一起與阿金對峙, 時而 KB 彷彿厭倦這樣''小孩子'' 的遊戲,而放棄這種你瞪我,我’’ㄑ一’’你的僵局. 無法確知是否是阿金搞的鬼, 就在一個星期前的午後 ''對峙'' 後, KB 帶著傷回來, 背上兩個大腫胞一個多星期了還在慢慢消退中 ... 當然一筆獸醫的花費少不了, 讓我安心那只是淤血而非感染.

對於阿金, 是一種有距離的喜歡....還是偶而來來, 給無聊人士糖糖一些事做, 但若要打架, 就別來了吧!