Kee-Tee Kitty Kitty

My cats love me! ... at least I want to believe so!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Being trusted

I had a crappy day. Apprehension is building up. Until..

While KB's sleeping at his normal position - in between me and the computer monitor, I scratched his head. In return, he leaned and put his head against my hand - not just touching, but put the whole weight of his head in me. I felt really really.. trusted. I know how much KB gets intimidated by strangers, unusual objects, or different sounds. His being able to trust me really means a lot to me.

I had to "record" this feeling, so I pulled my hand back. But I know we have that for each other, still.


Lion Lady said...

Hey. You stayed up VERY late. Take care!

B.E.I. said...

That's the day my Bday was "missed"... so.. :P