Kee-Tee Kitty Kitty

My cats love me! ... at least I want to believe so!

Sunday, June 22, 2008


This guy came home with all the ear mites, so he got prescription for treating that. Although the result was just "spiky"...

For some reason, Tuntun appeared "older" than he really was. I did some "comparison and research".. my conclusion was that his nose was too long - that made his face longer than normal "cutie" kittens. And I also found out the way to picture him as "normal" as regular kitties was to take the pix when he lifted up his little head. See below:

Hee.. cute furry ball.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The big guy named Tuntun!

He didn't start being big, of course. But "size" had never mattered to him. Ever since he got to be introduced to his Bro KB... there's this endless fight. Tuntun's lit'l but he fought well, at least when he's young.

Honestly, this "claim" might not be super accurate. I really did not have any other sample to prove it's TT that fights well, or KB fights badly... :P

I have seen some cats they hid when some other cats kicked their asses.. But not TT - he fights back, for sure.

He seemed having all this never ended energy - sometimes he runs around between rooms like a horse, literally. Would that be a good guess that KB was happy to have a new "toy"? KB's NEVER into toys. He always looks at me like I am this idiot bringing home man-made toy pretending they are alive - he's too smart for that! But hey, now there's a LIVE toy. Wonder if he's happy about it..

I asked KB before I took TT home. So the deal is that KB and I adopted Tuntun, together! :)

Elegant KB

Cats are graceful. And KB is up another notch. He stands with legs closed - like a dancer! Pay a little bit attention next time.. not every cat does so! KB does that it seems he's trying to match the patterns together on his two legs! Funny furry ball!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Cats and sleep

For some reasons, these two terms might be interchangeable ... at least in my household.

KB and TT both acted like dogs when I first got them - they followed me EVERYWHERE. Who says cats are aloof? Certainly they didn't need much of their own space - they were happy to sleep on my arms, in my lap, or curled up to my chest. -- Gotta specify that, for KB, at least the first year he was like that. TT? He is STILL this way!

Some pix:

(Courtesy of Kuan's lap!)

Note: They are actually one year apart, so these photos were not taken the same year.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My first pet Ever.

Mine, only mine.

We had a dog when I was young - like 2 yr old. I have no recollection what so ever. But Mom remembers and the stoy was always like "I fed the dog the same food I fed you".... Not sure I should be proud or upset about it?

But KB's only mine. My full responsibility. I don't feed him what I eat though. :)

The first week I had him, I remember I was sad over something so I was crying. I was holding KB and sure still crying, then he patted on my shoulder, twice. I wasn't imagining it... although it never happened ever again (he might be tired of my emotions after awhile..).

He's my "pet", although we have this special bond... Nothing compares.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


2002, same summer time. After the whole year of having a lovely kitty, I decided to get another one to give Kiebie some company.

I wanted an orange tabby, even got the name ready - Tuntun - means Candy Candy in Chinese. Same animal shelter, there were some orange tabbies around. There was this little girl I thought might be the perfect "wife" material for KB... BUT she's taken already - right infront of my eye. That probably sped up my "orange tabby adoption" process a little bit.

Looking around - sure I found this tiny, slightly ugly, and meowed like coughing little orange tabby. He spoke German I was so sure (all the throat sound...). My friends helped to sell by telling me this little furry ball only "cough" (that's his meow) at me. How can I resist?

That's Tuntun.

Monday, June 09, 2008

The life of two furry balls

First it started with this little guy called Kiebie - that's his official name. I use "KB" whenever I mention him on IM to others. I also call him K'b at times, and a thousand different names whenever I'd like - it's great to be the Mom, isn't it?

Yes, I wanted a cat, always, never did before. 2001, I "shopped" around Santa Clara animal shelter often. I went with friends often, hopefully to get some "second opinions". It's an odd summer afternoon, I was going to a party that night so I wore a sleeveless top - trying to be pretty, of course. I was by myself then decided to sign up for "kitty trials". I picked 4-5 kitties and the staff there let me to get "acquainted" with them to make my adoption decision.

Probably due to lack of "kitty experience", I found that I could not even hold a kitty. They, uh... moved quite a bit. :P Frustrated, the staff there suggested THIS furry ball saying he's a very mallow cat. He was NOT on my list of kitties at first, but I thought I'd give it a try. He was gracefully staying on my shoulder - with a tower the staff kindly gave me to cover my bare shoulders (with a kind suggestion saying it'd be easier to wear something with sleeves for holding animals.. ha).

I was delighted, thankful... tears in my eyes (ok, exaggerated), and I was SOLD. And he's Kiebie.

Continues for the other furry ball.....


This might work. After all these years, I want to have a blog about the kitties. Either their lovely daily boring routines, or the world in their eye; or mine. We'll see.