Kee-Tee Kitty Kitty

My cats love me! ... at least I want to believe so!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The keyword : Demand!

This is the "Meow" from my lovely Tuntun. Oh well, only try to imagine this - when he wants to go to the backyard, he can do this for.. awhile. Try to time the volume 5x, and amount 10x... you get the picture.. ;)

Friday, November 21, 2008


是“坨“這個字嗎?基本上我要說的是“一團“、“一拖拉古“。嗯, 好像越說越複雜。

記得當時年紀小(好啦,當然是指 KB), KB 剛進家門時也勉強算是“膝上貓(lap cat)“總是非常乖巧的在我胸口、膝上、或我身旁打盹。當時他的別稱還是“purr purr 王子",因為只要他在我身旁醒來就像個 purring 發電機,超大聲而且從不打烊。曾幾何時一向黏吧達的KB突然長大了。變身酷酷小子之後就鮮少在吃飯以外的時間出現在媽媽身旁:KB 聰明,他知道玩具都是假的,瞄個兩眼之後這樣所謂的玩具就再也無法吸引他的目光,留在現場賣力揮舞著假老鼠或假釣魚竿的我通常只能尷尬的唱著獨腳戲,悻悻然的收起這些不受歡迎的玩意兒;之後 KB 發現了後院的有趣,除了一有機會就到後院翻上翻下,其餘的時間就算不出去也是目不轉睛的盯著,當然這包括睡覺時間,所以媽咪的床再也沒有小 KB 的蹤跡。唉。


這樣說吧,糖糖可能從沒有長大。打從第一天起這個傻大個就是個跟屁蟲,走到哪跟到哪不說,每天晚上更是準時在床上報到,起床後只要對糖糖看上一眼,還不用摸他自各兒就已經開始呼嚕呼嚕個沒完沒了。當然這也就更彰顯了 KB 與我們淡如水的關係。

今年以來這樣的關係開始有了轉變。KB 開始越來越“黏人“。

當今每天早上的早自習是,我坐在電腦前看著 emails,news 而 KB 會走來喵喵兩聲,我將座位拉開,KB 估良好距離,躍上我的膝頭,母子倆上演一段非限制級的親親摸摸抱抱抓抓兼呼嚕呼嚕,然後 KB 會心滿意足在我腿頭睡將下來。化身。一。坨。貓。。嗯。。。

我仍思量,到底是什麼樣的原因醞釀出 KB 如此的轉變。可能源于我一直以來從不間斷的熱情堅持(或說騷擾),我總是愛將 KB 抱入懷中,強制執行我們的“愛的抱抱“,剛開始只要我一放手 KB 幾乎是迫不及待的逃離現場;如今彷彿熟知這般的戲碼,KB 可以慢慢的接受這屬於媽媽專有的熱情近而陶醉其中。或者是受到糖糖的熏陶,KB 也開始體會到“家庭溫暖“的重要性。又或者 KB 意識到糖糖的競爭性,知道媽媽的愛可能也需要努力才會擁有。當然,KB 可能只是年紀到了。。。


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Being trusted

I had a crappy day. Apprehension is building up. Until..

While KB's sleeping at his normal position - in between me and the computer monitor, I scratched his head. In return, he leaned and put his head against my hand - not just touching, but put the whole weight of his head in me. I felt really really.. trusted. I know how much KB gets intimidated by strangers, unusual objects, or different sounds. His being able to trust me really means a lot to me.

I had to "record" this feeling, so I pulled my hand back. But I know we have that for each other, still.

Friday, September 19, 2008


I realized today (don't ask me why not earlier) that Tuntun REALLY has VERY smooth, soft fur!

I remembered Catherine mentioned that Tuntun always felt like a "baby" to the touch. For some reason I finally put them all together - he really is a baby!

He acts like one. This big boy always demands attention when he wants it, or a spot - often times it's where KB sits. He's always the one being licked by KB (I tried not to mimic that behavior.. ). He's always the one initiate the chasing/biting game with KB. He jumps on my chest while I am asleep just because he needs some "scratch on the chin"... He follows me everywhere even for the risk of being stepped on (I did once .. not pretty, took me a long time apologizing! ). He meows big time because he thinks it's time for him to go to the backyard.... Oh ya, he can meow forever beside me every night just because it's time for me to "walk him to his dinner bowl" and to "watch him eat".... Oh Ya, he's the baby under the roof!

Big guy, soft touch....

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The trinagle...

Just the other afternoon, after letting a long time for the boys staying in the backyard I thought it's about time to come home for some super. Though upon opening the backyard door, I found the triangle again - Veto (阿金), KB and TT were silently "struggling" under the redwood trees.

OK, have to admit, I had to leave soon for my classes so I thought I had to break that silence and get the boys home (we can continue the starring another day, right?). So I decided to get Veto off our backyard so the boys would be willing to come home. I used a little stick to get the "backyard king" off - I would never hit him or harm him! Just a bit scaring him away. ALTHOUGH, to my surprise, that set Tuntun off! He jumped over, started growling and big hissing, then making the loudest noise I've ever heard him (or any other cats) do. Not sure about Veto, but that actually scared ME.

Anyway, finally after my "stick strategy", Veto jumped over the fence; but Tuntun was still in this agitated state. KB came check him out and TT even hissed KB a big time. Wow... I was a bit worried that he might go into this agitated crazy state for awhile. Not too bad, he calmed down after I called him a couple of times. Then Mommy took the big boy home...

Then my neighbor stuck her head out asking if my cat got injured because the growling he did was just so loud. :P

THEN, the next day, once Tuntun got out, he was waiting at the spot Veto left THE WHOLE TIME!!! I guess he missed his "big" friend.... Awwww.... I even tried to get him play with me but he rather going back there sat and waited....


(Still waiting..)

(Alright, Mommy's calling me..)

(Let me wait just a bit longer...)

Friday, August 08, 2008


OK, I DO want to tell the kitty's stories while they were growing up, but I don't want to miss the current stories just because they are "current". So, I'll shuffle the time.. there's no limits!

So, before I tell the story, let's work on the "background" a little bit. I bet all friends know about "Veto" - the Backyard King. Here's a story about his I posted awhile ago somewhere else:


(Above: The brown tabby with black paws is Veto)

(Above: KB joined the "Circle"..)

(The "starring" game can last for awhile usually!)

(Until one of them gets bored.)

(Someones' feeling a bit "empty"?)

熟識我的人都應該對阿金不陌生. 阿金, 那個天上地下唯我獨尊的... "Backyard King". 常常一個轉身就看到他大剌剌的杵在後院. 第一次與 '阿金' 碰頭,訝然於他美麗與巨大的體型, 心中竊喜我們糖糖終於不算唯一的 ''巨型'' 貓. 他的不怕生, 在貓族中算是少有的習性, 見獵心喜的我, 以為可以多個忘年之交, 看著他沒退縮的跡象, 步步逼近想偷拍拍小貓頭, 順便看看他脖子上的 ''金'' 牌上倒底寫些什麼....看是看到了,我的手上也被抓出數道血痕.... 倒是阿金自此正名: Veto.

我還是習慣稱呼他 '' 阿金'' . 從此不敢造次, 跟阿金還是保持距離以測安全.

阿金倒是沒事就來造訪一下, 從沒事先打招呼, 也從來是 '' 空手道'' . 只是每次阿金的出現, 糖糖都當大事處理. 糖糖嘛, 體型大, 倒都是個傻大個的個性. 剛站出去每每讓鄰居的貓友們退避三舍, 可是沒多久他們都發現糖糖的無侵略性. 他好奇, 超好奇. 但不打不抓不咬, 只在那熊熊的低嚎... 真是一點傷害性都沒有. 阿金? 早就將糖糖看個透徹, 屹立不搖, 以不變應萬變.

糖糖總是以警覺的眼神, 盯著阿金. 兩人之間的距離與關係倒是似乎隨著時間有著些微的轉變. 從原來兩公尺充滿敵意的距離逐漸縮小... 兩人的關係也從當初糖糖對阿金的 ''俯首稱臣'' (見圖) 到昨兒個糖糖與阿金隔著一呎距離, 哥倆好面對面席地而趴, 彷彿是一種僵持, 又像是寧靜的共享一個平和的夏日午後...

我不太明白 KB 在這樣的角力平衡下是扮演何種腳色, 時而 KB 會加入糖糖的陣營一起與阿金對峙, 時而 KB 彷彿厭倦這樣''小孩子'' 的遊戲,而放棄這種你瞪我,我’’ㄑ一’’你的僵局. 無法確知是否是阿金搞的鬼, 就在一個星期前的午後 ''對峙'' 後, KB 帶著傷回來, 背上兩個大腫胞一個多星期了還在慢慢消退中 ... 當然一筆獸醫的花費少不了, 讓我安心那只是淤血而非感染.

對於阿金, 是一種有距離的喜歡....還是偶而來來, 給無聊人士糖糖一些事做, 但若要打架, 就別來了吧!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008



孽子行徑一:精確測量後, 杵在媽咪的眼睛高度以及電腦螢幕中間, 進行思考。
孽子行徑二:天剛破曉, 決定從床的一端橫跨到床的另一端。當然途中包括睡夢中媽咪的胸脯, 但我們絕對會克服"重重"障礙達成目喵!
孽子行徑三:挑戰極限, 我知道那些媽咪不准我去的地方, 電腦後面啦、Keyboard 上啦、餐桌啦... 我只是需要確認媽咪是否改變心意。每每看到她始終如一的反彈, 我越發有安全感。
孽子行徑四:睡前一定要有宵夜。宵夜若是沒有媽咪陪就沒有宵夜的味道。也許媽咪還沒有感受到這個重要性, 所以我一定要叫到她聽到、感受到為止。

族繁不及背載, 我想我們可以慢慢達成這列表的完整性....

Kitty Party

We didn't know better.

There were 4 of us, plus 3 kitties. We hung out, so we figured the kitties should too.

I took KB to meet up with Xiao-Le at my friend's apartment, then Goofy came along too. Waited NO time, KB and X-L started chasing each other - seemed like great exercise to me, considering KB never interested in any "artificial" toys I bought him.

Thanks to Goofy, KB learned his first hiss. Too bad Goofy wasn't into those "kids" games.. He'd rather hide behind the TV!

More often than not, we had our kitty parties. Then we brought in another kitty - Orange. That was when KB and X-L were already one year old and Orange was just a kitten. We left them hanging out and we were watching tv. I went checking up on them only to find out that KB was beating Orange up.... then when KB was "done", X-L was waiting in line to BEAT up Orange more! What a cruel world!

KB usually ended up exhausted from the "kitty parties". Honestly, I never seen ANY cat sleeps like this:

We finally learned cats are territory animals... and the kitty parties ended also by knowing mixing up kitties might bring complications to their health too.

Though that was a fun time. I wonder if KB misses those...

Sunday, June 22, 2008


This guy came home with all the ear mites, so he got prescription for treating that. Although the result was just "spiky"...

For some reason, Tuntun appeared "older" than he really was. I did some "comparison and research".. my conclusion was that his nose was too long - that made his face longer than normal "cutie" kittens. And I also found out the way to picture him as "normal" as regular kitties was to take the pix when he lifted up his little head. See below:

Hee.. cute furry ball.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The big guy named Tuntun!

He didn't start being big, of course. But "size" had never mattered to him. Ever since he got to be introduced to his Bro KB... there's this endless fight. Tuntun's lit'l but he fought well, at least when he's young.

Honestly, this "claim" might not be super accurate. I really did not have any other sample to prove it's TT that fights well, or KB fights badly... :P

I have seen some cats they hid when some other cats kicked their asses.. But not TT - he fights back, for sure.

He seemed having all this never ended energy - sometimes he runs around between rooms like a horse, literally. Would that be a good guess that KB was happy to have a new "toy"? KB's NEVER into toys. He always looks at me like I am this idiot bringing home man-made toy pretending they are alive - he's too smart for that! But hey, now there's a LIVE toy. Wonder if he's happy about it..

I asked KB before I took TT home. So the deal is that KB and I adopted Tuntun, together! :)

Elegant KB

Cats are graceful. And KB is up another notch. He stands with legs closed - like a dancer! Pay a little bit attention next time.. not every cat does so! KB does that it seems he's trying to match the patterns together on his two legs! Funny furry ball!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Cats and sleep

For some reasons, these two terms might be interchangeable ... at least in my household.

KB and TT both acted like dogs when I first got them - they followed me EVERYWHERE. Who says cats are aloof? Certainly they didn't need much of their own space - they were happy to sleep on my arms, in my lap, or curled up to my chest. -- Gotta specify that, for KB, at least the first year he was like that. TT? He is STILL this way!

Some pix:

(Courtesy of Kuan's lap!)

Note: They are actually one year apart, so these photos were not taken the same year.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My first pet Ever.

Mine, only mine.

We had a dog when I was young - like 2 yr old. I have no recollection what so ever. But Mom remembers and the stoy was always like "I fed the dog the same food I fed you".... Not sure I should be proud or upset about it?

But KB's only mine. My full responsibility. I don't feed him what I eat though. :)

The first week I had him, I remember I was sad over something so I was crying. I was holding KB and sure still crying, then he patted on my shoulder, twice. I wasn't imagining it... although it never happened ever again (he might be tired of my emotions after awhile..).

He's my "pet", although we have this special bond... Nothing compares.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


2002, same summer time. After the whole year of having a lovely kitty, I decided to get another one to give Kiebie some company.

I wanted an orange tabby, even got the name ready - Tuntun - means Candy Candy in Chinese. Same animal shelter, there were some orange tabbies around. There was this little girl I thought might be the perfect "wife" material for KB... BUT she's taken already - right infront of my eye. That probably sped up my "orange tabby adoption" process a little bit.

Looking around - sure I found this tiny, slightly ugly, and meowed like coughing little orange tabby. He spoke German I was so sure (all the throat sound...). My friends helped to sell by telling me this little furry ball only "cough" (that's his meow) at me. How can I resist?

That's Tuntun.

Monday, June 09, 2008

The life of two furry balls

First it started with this little guy called Kiebie - that's his official name. I use "KB" whenever I mention him on IM to others. I also call him K'b at times, and a thousand different names whenever I'd like - it's great to be the Mom, isn't it?

Yes, I wanted a cat, always, never did before. 2001, I "shopped" around Santa Clara animal shelter often. I went with friends often, hopefully to get some "second opinions". It's an odd summer afternoon, I was going to a party that night so I wore a sleeveless top - trying to be pretty, of course. I was by myself then decided to sign up for "kitty trials". I picked 4-5 kitties and the staff there let me to get "acquainted" with them to make my adoption decision.

Probably due to lack of "kitty experience", I found that I could not even hold a kitty. They, uh... moved quite a bit. :P Frustrated, the staff there suggested THIS furry ball saying he's a very mallow cat. He was NOT on my list of kitties at first, but I thought I'd give it a try. He was gracefully staying on my shoulder - with a tower the staff kindly gave me to cover my bare shoulders (with a kind suggestion saying it'd be easier to wear something with sleeves for holding animals.. ha).

I was delighted, thankful... tears in my eyes (ok, exaggerated), and I was SOLD. And he's Kiebie.

Continues for the other furry ball.....


This might work. After all these years, I want to have a blog about the kitties. Either their lovely daily boring routines, or the world in their eye; or mine. We'll see.